Pistol Perfect
COMPACT - BT 20 x 28

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The Pistol Perfect Compact bullet trap hosts the same great features and high quality materials as our other Pistol Perfect traps, but with an overall size that appeals to even the most space conscious gun owner. HEPA filtration units used to clear any lead dust that may be deposited within the trap, are available as an option for those who want to use the trap indoors. The Compact Pistol Perfect bullet trap is ideal for use anywhere from the backyard and barn to the basement or workshop. Range time has never been so convenient.

The Pistol Perfect Compact bullet trap works the same way as all of our other bullet traps. The target is hung on the front of the trap, so when you fire, the bullet passes through the target and hits one of the walls that create the mouth of the trap. The bullet deflects off the wall and into a small opening at the back of the mouth, which leads to a deceleration chamber. The bullet rides around the walls of the deceleration chamber, until it has expelled all of its energy. Once the bullet slows down, gravity pulls it through an opening at the bottom of the deceleration chamber where it comes to rest in a collection pail.

The collection pail contains nothing except for the bullets fired into the trap. Contents in the pail (lead, copper etc.) have value when recycled and can be sold. The lead can also be melted down and cast into more bullets if desired.

Features and Benefits:

  • Our most affordable model
  • Compact design
  • Rated for handgun use up to and including .44 Magnum, and rifle use up to and including .223/5.56mm
  • Low maintenance
  • All bullet contact points are AR500 steel
  • Indoor or Outdoor use
  • No water, sand or rubber used in our lead collection process.
  • Optional HEPA Filtration
  • Made in the USA
  • Waterjet cutting process and weld free design add no heat to AR500 steel
  • Safe, clean, and affordable training solution
  • 65.75″L X 26″W x 68.5″H – 680 lbs.

Patent Pending and Specifications may change without notice.